To understand user scenarios, learn more about our users' habits, and identify the problems they face, I chose a combination of quantitative research methods.
Semi-structured interview
15 mins
- How often you search for event tickets?
- Do you plan your event ticket purchases in advance?
- What types of events do you usually buy tickets for?
- Who do you usually buy tickets for? Yourself or someone else?
- What is the usual occasion for buying tickets?
- What criteria are important to you when choosing an event?
- Where do you search for and buy tickets? If online, which services have you used before?
- Have you encountered any issues when purchasing tickets online?
User testing
20 mins
I asked users to visit the event listing website, complete a few tasks and comment on everything they do.
- Purchase two tickets for the concert of the band "Zveri" on December 3rd.
- Find concerts happening on December 11th.
- Select a concert from the carousel at the top of the page and purchase a ticket for it.
- Purchase a ticket as a gift for your friend's birthday.
5 mins
After finishing user testing I asked respondents to share their impression of working with the service, what they liked and did not like.
User Flow
After analyzing the results of the user interviews, I came up with the typical user flow.
Interview Results
I highlighted the rejected hypotheses in red and the confirmed ones in green.
hypothesis #1
Users find it difficult to locate the event they are interested in because the search functionality is hard to find.
hypothesis #2
Users are unable to filter the results, which causes them to get lost in the list of events.
hypothesis #3
Users encounter issues with the date scroll component when searching for future events.
hypothesis #4
Users do not utilize the event navigation in the website header.
hypothesis #5
Users do not understand how to purchase a ticket.
hypothesis #6
Users do not understand how to purchase a ticket as a gift.
During user testing I also discovered a couple of user problems that need further research since only 1-2 people mentioned them:
- users could not find the support service;
- users do not expect to see an additional fee when purchasing tickets.
1. Most users were unable to filter events by genre, causing them to feel overwhelmed. Therefore, we decided to add a genre filter.
Old UI without genre filter

New UI with genre filter
2. When users wanted to select events for future dates, they had to click the arrow next to the dates repeatedly until the desired date appeared. Since it took them a long time and left them frustrated, we decided to add a date picker.
Old UI with arrows helping to navigate through dates

New UI with a date picker
Results in a Month
- Increase of payment conversion rate by 13%.
- Increase of CSAT from 74% to 92%.